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Grants for Libraries

Resources supporting the FLA 2018 presentation: Unleash your librarian superpowers to author winning grant proposals.

FLA Annual Conference 2018 Program Description

Do you have a great idea for your library but need funding to implement your project?

Have you seen grant opportunities, but were perhaps too intimidated to apply?

Have you recently had a grant application rejected and lack the confidence to try again?


Join a panel of experienced grant writers who will help you unleash your grant writing potential. Panelists will identify the key components of successful grant proposals, such as team formation, budgeting practices, project planning, creating well-defined objectives, establishing reasonable timelines, and building connections with grant funders.

Panelists will discuss the importance of authoring compelling narratives that engages the reviewer and clearly communicates your library’s existing need and demonstrates your capacity to complete the project if funded. The panel will share resources and strategies for locating funding sources relevant to libraries, including non-traditional sources that perhaps you haven’t considered before.

The panel will share strategies to overcome common barriers to submitting winning grant proposals, such as time constraints, inexperience, or lack of administrative support. Participants will also have the opportunity to pose their most challenging experiences to the panel for feedback and guidance. Lessons learned from both acceptance and rejection will be shared by panelists from academic, public and school libraries, as well as, a grant development professional with a record of success with grant submissions of varying size and scope.

Participants will be encouraged to ask questions via an interactive presentation tool designed to enhance engagement. Finally, participants will be provided with a list of resources identifying grant opportunities of relevance to the library community along with corresponding tips and strategies to motivate and empower participants to pursue grant funding at their respective libraries.