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EC Scholar Project Guide

Information for EC Scholar users.

Faculty Profiles

Faculty Profiles highlight faculty at the college, including scholarship, grants and awards, and efforts related to student mentoring and research. Faculty may be tenured, tenure track, emeritus, lecturers, or adjuncts. Profiles consist of a number of details including:

  • Profile image - from College websitefaculty profile screenshot
  • Organization unit - Discipline and Collegium represented
  • Areas of Expertise - including subject areas (controlled vocabulary) and keywords
  • Publications, including altmetrics and open access versions or library access, if available. This is automatically harvested with review and approval by library staff. Manual uploads are also possible.
  • Related links - this might be a personal website, college website, project page, etc.
  • Grants - added by library/Grants Management via administrative side
  • Media mentions - added by library via administrative side

Profiles can be managed internally via library staff, or by researchers themselves through the site.


Link to your EC Scholar Profile

You can share a persistent link to your EC Scholar profile by using your public profile link. Just log into EC Scholar, go to Settings, and scroll down to the My Public Profile Link section to copy and paste the link to your email signature, website, or faculty webpage. 

public profile link screenshot


Adding Scholarly & Creative Works (Assets)

Scholarly & Creative Works can be added in the following ways:

1) Automatic harvesting - the library runs period harvests of faculty publications by Collegium. Matched assets are reviewed for accuracy by the library and once approved, the assets appear on researcher profiles. The accuracy of automatic harvesting process is improved when faculty records contact keywords, ORCID identifier, DOIs for existing publications, and any name variations.

2) Manual Upload - faculty can manually add assets using the Add Content link in the top menu bar. Assets are reviewed by library staff for completion. Once approved, the assets appear on researcher profiles.

3) Batch upload via CSV, RIS, and BibTeX uploads - if bib files exist from other reference management platforms such as Zotero, Google Scholar, or EndNote, files can be uploaded to a researchers profile. This is currently in test mode and available by request. 

We ask faculty to review their profiles annually or after recent publications to confirm currency and accuracy of content in their profiles. 

Asset Types

Researchers have assets associated with them, which can be automatically harvested by the library, or added manually using the Add Content menu. Assets can be in the following formats:

Category Code Types
Conference conference
  • Conference Paper
  • Conference Poster
  • Conference Presentation
  • Conference Program
  • Poster - A poster other than a conference
  • Presentation - A presentation other than a conference
Creative Work creativeWork
  • Choreography
  • Dance
  • Design and architecture
  • Drama
  • Essay
  • Exhibition catalog
  • Fiction (novel, short story)
  • Film
  • Musical composition
  • Musical performance
  • Musical score
  • New media
  • Non-fiction
  • Other creative work
  • Painting
  • Poetry
  • Script
  • Sculpture
  • Set design
  • Theater
Dataset dataset
  • Dataset
ETD etd
  • ETD doctoral
  • ETD graduate
  • ETD undergraduate
External ETD etdexternal
  • External ETD doctoral
  • External ETD graduate
  • External ETD undergraduate
Interactive Resource interactiveResource
  • Blog
  • Podcast
  • Virtual reality environment
  • Webinar
  • Website
More other
  • Map
  • Model
  • Other
Posted Content postedContent
  • Accepted manuscript
  • Preprint
  • Working paper
Publication publication
  • Abstract
  • Annotation
  • Bibliography
  • Book
  • Book chapter
  • Conference proceeding
  • Dictionary entry
  • Edited book
  • Editorial
  • Encyclopedia entry
  • Journal article
  • Journal issue
  • Letter
  • Magazine article
  • Newsletter article
  • Newspaper article
  • Report
  • Review
  • Technical documentation
  • Translation
Software software
  • Code
  • Workflow
Teaching and Learning teaching
  • Assignment/exercise
  • Course workbook
  • Flashcards
  • Lecture
  • Lecture outline
  • Online course module
  • Study guide
  • Syllabus
  • Teaching activity
  • Teaching case study
  • Teaching manual/handbook
  • Test/quiz question bank
  • Textbook
  • Tutorial
  • Video teaching demonstration
  • Other Learning objects