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Archiving COVID-19

Project site for the Eckerd College COVID-19 Community Archive Project.

Frequently Asked Questions

What types of things can be submitted?

You can submit anything you created yourself or with others to document, make sense of, or find meaning in the COVID crisis and its impact on our day-to-day lives. Have the events of this year inspired your creativity or what you have come to value? Please note that you should be the owner of any materials submitted and you and any collaborators should agree to our Rights & Submission statements.

Some formats that you might consider for your submission include the following:

  • Prose, poetry, personal reflections
  • Diaries and journals
  • Drawings, sketches, and other artwork
  • Digital photographs
  • Sound or video recordings
  • Interviews or oral history recordings
  • Original works of music
  • Correspondence
  • Social media posts
  • Zines
  • Digital storytelling projects
  • For faculty and staff: revised syllabi or changes to academic programming resulting from the pandemic

This is a digital archiving project which means that the materials we are collecting are in digital format. Your submission might consist of a digital reproduction of an original work you made in a physical format (e.g. journal, painting, zine, etc.). You would keep the original work, but provide us with the digital reproduction to share online.

Who will retain the copyright to my work?

You will retain copyright of the materials you submit to the archive. However, by submitting your work, you give Eckerd College Library permission to use and share your work through the Community Archive Project. This includes sharing metadata, digital productions, or links to materials online. Submitted materials must comply with Eckerd College's Academic Honesty Council & Policy and Copyright & Intellectual Property Policy. Said materials, electronic files, or links are to be added to the archives of Eckerd College and may be made available to in-person and online researchers.

As the copyright holder for the material(s) you submit, you can request the removal of material at any point if you no longer wish for your work to be available through the collection.

What will you do with my submission?

Your submission will be cataloged in the Library's digital collections platform and eventually shared in an online exhibit. As part of your submission, you can choose to be added to a notification list to receive updates about the project. 

When will submissions be made available?

While no target date is set, we will aim to have a site available in the Spring of 2021.

How large of a file can I submit?

The submission form can accommodate files of up to 10 MB. If you have a larger file you would like to submit, please contact Nancy Schuler ( for alternative submission instructions.

Is there anything that should not be shared?

Please be mindful about sharing anything that may violate someone else's privacy. Personal information, such as birth dates, social security numbers, email, addresses, and phone numbers, should not be shared as materials will be made visible online. In particular, please consider how you might share photos of individuals at protests in a way that respects privacy and prevents any use of photos for untoward ends. We reserve the right to exclude any materials that we believe to be in violation of someone's privacy. 

Can I assign this to my class?

Yes, we are happy to work with you if you would like to make this part of a class assignment. Just get in touch with your Collegial Librarian to get the process started.