Scholarships, Fellowships, Academic Internships, and Grants: Geosciences

This guide is designed to assist members of the Eckerd College Community in identifying scholarships, grants, academic internships, and fellowship opportunities.

Scholarships and Fellowships

NOAA Hollings Scholarships

This scholarship is for students are majoring in NOAA related disciplines such as oceanic, geology, mathematics, atmospheric, and physical sciences.  Undergraduates receive up to $16,000 in academic assistance plus a 10-week paid summer internship ($6500 for 10 weeks) with housing subsidy.  While this is a competitive program, more Eckerd students have won Hollings Scholarships than from any other college or university; students apply in the spring of their sophomore year.  Deadline:  ~February 1  <>


Ford Apprentice Scholars, Eckerd College

Eckerd faculty are asked to nominate students in the spring of their sophomore year who show promise as teachers.  After nomination, students submit a formal application.  The criteria for selection are scholastic achievement, potential for independent scholarship, and desire for an academic career.  Students take the Ford Scholars courses, receive scholarship funds and summer research support.  This is a highly competitive program.  If you are interested, discuss the program with an Eckerd faculty member who could work with you on a research project.  Faculty Deadline to Nominate Students:  ~March 1  <>  


Society of Exploration Geophysicists Scholarship

Undergraduates must “pursue a college curriculum directed toward a career in applied geophysics or a closely related field, such as geosciences, physics, geology, or earth and environmental sciences.”  Grades must be “above average.”  (Two Eckerd students won this scholarship in 2009.)  <> (select Students, then Scholarships from top menu)


Mayo Educational Foundation

This program provides financial aid ($1,000-$2,000) to qualified students who are in the Earth sciences and are legal residents of the southeastern US.  Student applications must receive letters of support from local geological societies; see Prof. Wetzel for additional information.  (An Eckerd Marine Science student won this award  in 2005.)  Deadline:  ~March 31  <>


Jim Roberts Memorial Scholarship

A $1,000 scholarship awarded to a student in an environmental program by the National Association of Environmental Professionals.  The application requires a transcript, three recommendation letters, and “an essay that reflects on how their education and experience supports ethical work on environmental problems.”  Deadline:  Jan. 23  <>


Aylesworth Scholarship

This $10,000 scholarship is for students in any academic discipline having direct application in marine science ranging from basic biology and engineering to economics and food science.   The selection process will have financial need as its principal criterion. In addition, the successful applicant must demonstrate academic merit, leadership, and personal character. Florida residents receive preference.  Deadline:  ~December 3  <>

Science, Mathematics And Research for Transformation Scholarship, Department of Defense

The Science, Mathematics And Research for Transformation (SMART) Scholarship for Service Program supports undergraduate and graduate students pursuing degrees in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (including geosciences and oceanography).  Scholarships cover full tuition and summer internships at the Department of Defense (DoD).  Individuals applying should have a strong interest in working for the DoD as a civilian research scientist or engineer.

Deadline:  ~Dec. 1  <>


American Institute of Professional Geologists National Scholarship Program

To assist students with college education costs and to promote student participation in the AIPG, up to four $1,000 scholarships will be awarded to declared undergraduate geological sciences majors who are at least sophomores.  Awards will be based on the content and creativity of an original one-page essay on why the applicant wants to become a geologist.  The student must be either a member of AIPG or must have applied for membership at the time the application for the scholarship is submitted.  (I believe that only Geosciences majors can apply for this award.  Marine Science majors should contact the organizers before applying.)  Deadline:  ~Feb. 15 <>       


Kirsten R. Lorentzen Award for Geoscientists, AWIS Educational Foundation

The Association for Women in Science scholarship program awards up to $1,000 to undergraduate women in their 1st, 2nd, or 3rd year of college and who are planning to major in any of the natural sciences, mathematics or computer science.  The scholarship may be used for any aspect of education including tuition, books, housing, and travel.  Deadline:  ~Jan. 23  <>


Dolores Fisher Award

A $1,000 prize is awarded to a young woman between the ages of 16 and 30 based primarily on a statement of career goals and a 1000-word essay describing how she hopes to make a difference in the world through her passion for the oceans.  College undergraduates have won this award in the recent past.  The process is administered through the Mel Fisher Maritime Museum in Key West, Florida.  Deadline:  ~March 15  <>


Seaspace Scholarship

This scholarship supports students in marine-related courses of study.  Students must be sophomores or juniors, have overall GPAs of at least 3.3, and demonstrate financial need.  Four undergraduates received the scholarship in 2008.  Deadline:  ~Feb. 2  <>


Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship

This is an extremely competitive scholarship for sophomores ($15,000) and juniors ($7,500) who intend to become scientists, engineers, and mathematicians.  Minimum GPA: 3.60.  Interested students must contact Prof. Szelistowski in the fall for further information about the campus selection procedure.  (Eckerd students have won this scholarship in the past.) 



NOAA Educational Partnership Program

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Office of Education offers an undergraduate scholarship program through the Educational Partnership Program (EPP). Benefits in 2009 include payment of tuition and fees of up to $8000/year.  Two 10-week summer internships at NOAA sites, weekly stipend during internships of $650, and weekly housing allowance during internships. Applicants must be majoring in any of the NOAA mission disciplines.  Deadline:  ~Jan. 31  <>           


National Association of Geoscience Teachers Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award

NAGT recognizes outstanding teaching assistants in geoscience education with up to 30 awards annually. Both undergraduate and graduate teaching assistants are eligible for the award which consists of a one year membership in NAGT, a one year subscription to the Journal of Geoscience Education, and a certificate.  Nominations must be submitted by the department chair or a faculty member.  Eckerd College winner:  Jennifer Galvin, 2011.  Deadline:  June 15  <>                        


Marine Technology Society Student Scholarships

The Marine Technology Society offers many scholarships for undergraduates in marine science/engineering/technology fields.  Deadline:  ~April 15  <>  


Udall Scholarships

Scholarships are given to sophomores and juniors who have demonstrated commitment to careers related to the environment.  Scholarships are also available for Native American and Alaska Native students planning to pursue careers in tribal public policy or Native health care.  The most competitive applicants for the $5,000 environmental scholarship have a high GPA (≥3.6) and substantial environmental experience outside of the classroom.  Contact Prof. Forys for information about the campus selection procedure.  Deadline:  ~Feb. 14          



II-VI Foundation Undergraduate Scholarships

Scholarships for science, math, and engineering students entering their freshman, sophomore, or junior year.  Nine weeks of manufacturing-, engineering-, or science-related work experience in an industrial setting must be completed prior to or concurrent with application for the scholarship.  (This does not include academic labs, research, or most government jobs.)  Scholarships are up to $10,000 a year and are renewable for up to three additional years.

Deadline:  ~July 11  <>            


American Meteorological Society Undergraduate Scholarships

Scholarships are available to full-time students entering their final year of undergraduate study who are majoring in the atmospheric or related oceanic or hydrologic science, and/or must show clear intent to make the atmospheric or related sciences their career.  Applicants must have a GPA of at least 3.25.  Number and amount of scholarships vary.  Deadline:  ~Feb. 6


Truman Scholarships

The Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation awards scholarships to college students who have outstanding leadership potential and intend to pursue careers in public service.  Public service is defined very broadly, including government, uniformed services, public-interest organizations, nongovernmental research or educational organizations, and public-service oriented non-profit organizations such as those whose primary purpose is to protect the environment.  Applicants must submit an analysis of public-policy issues written by the nominee.  Eckerd may nominate up to four juniors for this very competitive award.  Scholars receive support for their senior year.  See the faculty coordinator for this scholarship for further details.  Campus Deadline: November <>       <>


Martin L. Stout Scholarship

$1,000 scholarship awarded by the Association of Environmental & Engineering Geologists to sophomore through senior undergraduate geo majors with an environmental or engineering geology emphasis.

<>      Deadline:  February 1


AWG Sand Student Research Presentation Travel Award

$500 award for women geoscience students to present their research at the Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of America.  <> 

Deadline:  Aug. 10


AWG Takken Student Research Presentation Travel Award

$500 award for women geoscience students to present their research at a national or international professional geoscience meeting other than the Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of America.  <>      Deadlines:  Feb. 10 and Aug. 10



Internship Opportunities in Geosciences

Huge on-line lists with links to internship opportunities in geosciences, including the atmospheric sciences.  Includes many listed above as well as others.




REU Opportunities

REU, short for Research Experiences for Undergraduates, is a program sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  Individual researchers apply for funds to support a group of undergraduates to conduct research over the summer.  Students receive generous stipends, and, in some cases, assistance with housing and travel.  Opportunities vary from year to year and are available in all areas of science.  Deadlines are in individual project announcements.



GeoCorps America

The Geological Society of America created this internship program to place geologists of all levels--students to professionals--in National Parks and National Forests.  The locations of internships vary from year to year with many different positions to choose from.  Positions are available at all times of the year.  Experiences may include research, resource management, interpretation, and/or education.  Stipend:  $2,750 plus housing per 3-month project.  (Several Eckerd students have had these internships.  Opportunities are for current students and graduates.)  Deadline:  ~Feb. 1     <>


U.S.G.S. Center for Coastal and Watershed Studies

Located in downtown St. Petersburg, the USGS sponsors several Eckerd students as summer interns.  Scientists at the center investigate a number of geological and biological processes, mostly related to coastal and marine environments.  Stipends in 2012 were $2,500 for the summer positions and required 40 hours per week for 10 weeks.  Free housing at Eckerd College for the summer is provided.  Prof. Gregg Brooks has coordinated this opportunity for many years.  Deadline:  ~March 1 <>


Galbraith Fellowship for Summer Study at the Bermuda Institute for Ocean Science

John and Rosemary Galbraith have endowed an internship that supports one rising junior or senior from Eckerd to participate in a 10-week summer research project at the Bermuda Institute for Ocean Science.  Includes travel, all expenses, and a $2,000 stipend.  May be offered annually or in alternate years.  See the faculty coordinator, Prof. Meylan, for details and the BIOS website for further information.  Deadline:  ~March 31 <> & <>


Incorporated Research Institutions in Seismology Internships

The Incorporated Research Institutions in Seismology (IRIS) provides summer internships to involve undergraduates in seismological research projects at universities and research institutions.  The following is quoted from their website: Undergraduate interns will work directly with a researcher from one of the IRIS member institutions. Research projects may involve deployment of seismic instruments in the field (within the US or internationally), or analyses of seismic data in a lab setting (for example investigations of Earth structure, earthquake sources, seismic hazards) at the IRIS member institution.  IRIS internships include a weekly stipend ($550/week for 9 - 11 weeks) and funding for travel to the home institution of the research sponsor.  Deadline:  ~Feb. 1  <>


Southern California Earthquake Center (SCEC)

SCEC offers two paid summer research internships.  Undergraduate Studies in Earthquake Information Technology (UseIT) is an 8-week team-based undergraduate research program where students solve important problems in interdisciplinary earthquake research.  The SCEC Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) is an 8-10 week program that pairs a student, one-on-one, to conduct research with a pre-eminent earthquake scientist or specialist.
Deadline:  ~Feb. 20  <>                            

Keck Geology Consortium

These are four-week summer field research programs followed by independent research during your senior year at Eckerd.  Research projects cover a wide range of geo subjects depending on the year, including hydrology, paleontology, petrology, glaciology, sedimentology, and seismology.  Some are international.  $1,500 stipend plus room, board, and travel expenses.  For rising seniors.  Deadline:  ~Feb. 1  <>


NOAA Student Internships

NOAA internship opportunities and application deadlines vary.  Check the website for regular updates.              <>       


MBARI Internships

Ten-week program for undergraduates, graduate students, and educators. This program’s focus is on the intern’s professional development, including research techniques and improved communications. $500 per week + partial travel support.  Deadline:  ~February 10 <>


National Laboratories

Most of the national laboratories in the United States offer a tremendous number of summer internship opportunities.  Pickings may be slim in geology or geophysics, but you will never know until you look.  These opportunities will vary in quality.  I myself completed an internship at Argonne National Laboratory as an undergraduate and saw that some students had excellent experiences while others did very little.  These internships generally pay well and include summer housing.  Type “National Laboratory” into any search engine and you should obtain a long list.  There are 15 national laboratories.  Here are a few:

Argonne –        Lawrence Berkeley –     Oak Ridge –   

Los Alamos –  Lawrence Livermore –      Sandia –

Fermi –            Pacific Northwest –    Brookhaven –  


Lunar and Planetary Institute (LPI)

Summer interns work one-on-one with scientists either at the LPI or NASA Johnson Space Center on a research project of current interest in planetary science.  For the 10-week program, students receive a $5000 stipend and travel expenses. <>


NASA Internships - Miscellaneous

NASA provides internships at its research centers.  NASA scientists investigate the Earth as well as other planets from space, so there may be an opportunity in one of their labs that interests you.  There are a variety of research areas and locations depending on your major and interests.        General portal to NASA Internships, Fellowships, and Scholarships:  <>    

NASA Langley Aerospace Research Summer Scholars  <>


MBARI Internships

Ten-week program for teachers, undergraduate and graduate students. This program’s focus is on the intern’s professional development, including research techniques and improved communications. Each intern has an MBARI mentor and works on various projects. Weekly stipend: ~ $500 + travel.  <>


AAAS Mass Media Science and Engineering Fellows Program

The program provides a 10-week summer internship at a newspaper, magazine, broadcast or cable news department, or web site for 20 science, engineering, and mathematics students.  To apply, candidates must be undergraduates in their senior year, graduate, or post-graduate students.  The American Association for the Advancement of Science has sponsored this competitive program for over 30 years.  The experience includes an orientation and wrap-up session at AAAS headquarters. Mass Media Fellows receive a weekly stipend of $500 and travel expenses.  Deadline:  ~January 15  <>     


AGI/AIPG Summer Internships in Geoscience Public Policy

“Representing the geoscience community in Washington DC, the program actively works with Congress and federal agencies to foster sound public policy in areas that affect geoscientists, including water, energy, and mineral resources; geologic hazards; environmental protection; and federal funding for geoscience research and education.”  Three interns are chosen for the 12-week program, each earning $5,000.  Deadline:  ~March 15 



Association for Women in Science

Quoted from their website:  The Association for Women in Science (AWIS) National Office has paid internships available for the fall and spring semesters as well as 10-weeks in the summer.  Interns generally work closely with staff members during a 40-hour workweek, with a stipend of $10 an hour.  <>


Research Experiences in Solid Earth Science for Students (RESESS)

The RESESS is a summer internship program in Boulder, Colorado, for students from historically under-represented groups in the geosciences, such as Black or African American, Hispanic or Latino, American Indian or Alaskan Native, and Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander.  RESESS is open to undergraduate students who are in their sophomore or junior years and who major in a science, math, or engineering.  Stipend is $6,000 for 11 weeks plus travel and housing.  Deadline:  ~February 1   <>                                         


SMART Program at the University of Colorado at Boulder

Summer Multicultural Access to Research Training (SMART) participants are juniors and seniors from historically under-represented groups in the geosciences and first-generation college students.  Interns conduct research projects in science, math, and engineering fields under the guidance of a faculty mentor and see firsthand graduate student life at a major institution.  Students also attend weekly workshops on scientific writing and presenting, GRE preparation, and the application process for graduate school. SMART interns earn three hours of credit, and receive a stipend, room/board, and travel expenses for the 10-week program.  Deadline:  ~Feb. 15  <>      


Naval Research Enterprise Internship

A ten-week internship program designed to provide opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students to participate in research, under the guidance of an appropriate research mentor, at a participating Navy laboratory.  Stipends for 10 weeks are $5,400 for sophomores, $8,100 for juniors and seniors.  Deadline:  ~Jan. 6  <>           


Carnegie Institution for Science Summer Scholars Program

The Geophysical Laboratory and the Department of Terrestrial Magnetism of the Carnegie Institution in Washington, DC, offers 10-week internships in earth and planetary sciences. $4,500 stipend plus housing and travel.  Deadline:  ~Feb. 28 <>


Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory Summer Internship Program for Undergraduates

Interns conduct research in the Earth or ocean sciences at the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory in Palisades, New York, for 10 weeks. The stipend is $5,000 plus travel and housing.  Deadline:  ~March 15  <>


University of Delaware Marine Sciences Summer Program

Interns conduct research in chemical, physical, or biological oceanography, marine biology, marine geology, or marine biochemistry at the University of Delaware’s College of Earth, Ocean and Environment in Lewes, Delaware.  $6,000 stipend plus housing and travel for 10 weeks.  Deadline:  ~Feb. 14



Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships in Oceanography

The SURFO program is focused on the quantitative aspects of oceanography, so many students work on marine geophysics, fluid dynamics, and numerical modeling.  Internships are for 10 weeks at the University of Rhode Island in Narragansett.  Stipend in ~$5000 plus housing and partial travel reimbursement. Deadline:  ~March 1  <>


Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Summer Student Fellowship Program

Internships focus on oceanography, oceanographic engineering, and marine policy.  Applicants may be juniors majoring in any science.  Stipends are $540 per week for 10 to 12 weeks plus housing and travel.  Deadline:  Feb. 15  <>


Student Conservation Association

SCA offers 3 – 12 month internships in various disciplines at a wide variety of locations for current students and graduates. <>

Geology Field Camps

Field camp is an intense program where students from different colleges and universities are immersed in learning field techniques for studying terrestrial geology.  Many schools with Geosciences or Geology majors require a field methods course but do not offer their own.  Instead, Geo majors from around the country attend field camps offered by a few schools during the summer.  Most field camps are in the western U.S. where students can investigate mountainous terrains with a wide variety of landforms and rock types.  Some camps are conducted by U.S. universities with field components in other countries—Turkey, Argentina, Ireland, Africa, India, New Zealand, etc.  This is a particularly valuable experience for students who wish to specialize in terrestrial geology.


Typically, field camps are offered during the summer months and take approximately six weeks to complete.  Students may attend field camp after their sophomore or junior year.  There are many specialized field camps, so students should consider their own interests and course preparation in selecting an appropriate camp—hydrology, volcanology, environmental geology, paleontology, geological engineering, etc.  Course credit for field camp will likely transfer to Eckerd and count towards the Geosciences or Marine Science Geology or Geophysics track major requirements.  If you are interested in field camp, it is a good idea to discuss this option with Prof. Brooks, Duncan, Thompson, or Wetzel.


GSA/ExxonMobil Field Camp Scholar Award

$2,000 award for undergraduates to attend the geo field camp of their choice.  Selection is based on diversity, financial need, and merit.  Deadline:  ~April 18  <>


NAGT Scholarships for Field Study

$500 award for geo undergraduates to attend a field-based course of their choice.  Selection based on an essay describing how the field experience fits into their long-term goals, transcript, and recommendations.  Deadline:  ~Feb. 14  <>


Beardsley-Kuper Field Camp Scholarship Fund

Up to $3,500 scholarship awarded by the Association of Environmental & Engineering Geologists for environmental and/or engineering geology field camp tuition.

<>      Deadline:  February 1


Norman R. Tilford Field Studies Scholarship

$1,000 scholarship awarded by the Association of Environmental & Engineering Geologists for field camp.  <>   Deadline:  Feb. 1


SAGE Field Course

SAGE, short for Summer of Applied Geophysical Experience, is a three to four week program in northern New Mexico sponsored by the Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL).   Graduate students, undergraduates, and recent graduates are eligible to attend.  Undergraduates receive full financial support, including a fee waiver and a small stipend.  The program includes lectures, field work, data processing, interpretation, and a final written and oral presentation.  Field methods include seismics, electro-magnetic techniques, and ground penetrating radar.  I have heard excellent things about this field camp.  It is free, unlike most field camps, which charge thousands of dollars to attend.  Deadline:  ~March 31  <>           



Research Grants for Undergraduates

Geological Society of America Southeastern Section Research Grants

Research grants are available to undergraduate members of GSA.  The application form is extensive, requiring a budget, brief resume, research plan, and supporting letters from faculty. Approximately 40% of proposals have been funded.  Awards typically range from $250 to $350 and are awarded by mid-December.   Travel grants of $100 are available for students presenting papers at GSA.  Deadline:  mid-March  <>


Sigma Xi Grants-in-Aid of Research

Grants of up to $1,000 are awarded to students from all areas of the sciences to promote student/faculty research.  Funding may be used for equipment purchases or travel to a research site.  Deadlines:  March 15 & October 15   <>   


Bay Mini-Grants

Grants of up to $5,000 are awarded for projects focusing on Tampa Bay Estuary restoration and education.  About 20 grants are awarded each year, typically from about 40 applicants.

Deadline:  October 1  <>             


NAS Grants-in-Aid of Student Research

The program is designed to encourage students to apply for small research grants by providing matching funds (up to $500) that can extend the scope and utility of the external award.  The availability of these internal funds can also be mentioned directly in a student’s external grant proposal as a form of cost sharing from the College.  The NAS Collegial Chair administers the program; see him/her for details.  Rolling deadline; students can apply at any time during the year.


There are numerous professional organizations for geologists and geophysicists.  I highly recommend that you become a member of AGU and GSA, which will allow you to expand your knowledge of the opportunities for research and employment in geology and geophysics.  I would like to bring these organizations to your attention:


Tampa Bay Association of Environmental Professionals (TBAEP)

A group of environmental professionals, including students, providing networking opportunities.  The TBAEP has regional and national connections as part of the Florida Association of Environmental Professionals and National Association of Environmental Professionals <>


American Geophysical Union (AGU)

The primary professional society for solid earth and marine geophysicists.  Membership brings you a weekly newsletter, EOS, which includes graduate fellowship opportunities.  <>                  


Geological Society of America (GSA)

The primary professional society for geologists.  Membership brings you a monthly newsletter, GSA Today, which also includes graduate fellowship opportunities.  <>


Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG) 

“SEG, founded in 1930, fosters the expert and ethical practice of geophysics in the exploration and development of natural resources, in characterizing the near surface, and in mitigating earth hazards.”



Seismological Society of America (SSA)

SSA is an “international scientific society devoted to the advancement of seismology and its applications in understanding and mitigating earthquake hazards and in imaging the structure of the earth.”



American Institute of Professional Geologists (AIPG)

AIPG offers $1,000 scholarships to geoscience majors and has a free resume and job posting service.  The AIPG “is the largest association dedicated to promoting geology as a profession. It presently has more than 5,500 members in the U.S. and abroad, organized into 36 regional Sections. The Institute adheres to the principles of professional responsibility and public service and is the only international organization that certifies the competence and ethical conduct of geological scientists in all branches of the science with members employed in industry, government, and academia.”  <>                          


Association for Women Geoscientists (AWG)

The only professional society dedicated to the development of women geologists.  Members are primarily, but not exclusively, women.  There is a very active chapter in the Tampa Bay/St. Petersburg area that meets once a month, providing extensive networking opportunities.  Membership brings you monthly newsletters from both the national office (Gaea) and the local chapter (The Littoral Drift).  Their Email newsletters often contain job opportunities.  <>                      


Society for Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS)

SACNAS is a dynamic, growing organization providing excellent networking opportunities through its website, newsletter, and annual conference. Its mission “is to encourage Chicano/Latino and Native American Students to pursue graduate education and obtain the advanced degrees necessary for science research, leadership, and teaching careers at all levels.”  <>                


Post-Graduation Scholarships—Graduate School & Career Development

NOAA Graduate Sciences Program

This program is aimed at increasing opportunities for students in NOAA-related fields to pursue research and educational training in atmospheric, environmental, remote sensing and oceanic sciences at minority serving institutions when possible. It offers between two years (master's candidates) to four years (doctoral students) of financial support.  Applicants for this program are graduating college seniors who are applying to graduate school or current graduate students.

<>       Deadline: ~January 31


Fannie and John Hertz Graduate Fellowship Program

This five-year $30,000+ fellowship is for college seniors wishing to pursue the Ph.D. degree in the applied physical, biological and engineering sciences who are citizens or permanent residents of the U.S.  (Marine science, geology, and geophysics students are eligible.)

<>       Deadline: ~Fall


Jack Kent Cooke Foundation Graduate Scholarship

These awards are available to students who will be attending graduate school the following year.  The amount and duration of awards varies by student; the maximum available per year of study is $50,000 and the maximum length is six years.  Students must be nominated by the Eckerd faculty representative.   <>   Eckerd Deadline:  Late January


Fulbright Scholarships

A prestigious scholarship allowing students to study in a foreign country after graduation.  See the Eckerd Fulbright coordinator for details.  These have been won by Eckerd Marine Science majors recently; Prof. Lessmann completed a Fulbright prior to graduate school.

<>                                             Deadline:  ~August 1             


Marshall Scholarships

Thirty American men and women receive tuition, fees, transportation, room and board, and other normal costs to pursue graduate degree in the United Kingdom. Candidates must have high academic ability (~3.7 GPA) and an excellent grasp of their future academic plans. A wide range of study fields is possible.  <>       Deadline: ~October 1



Rhodes Scholarships

These are among the best known and most prestigious scholarships in the world.  The scholarships are for two or three years of study at Oxford University in any field.  Tuition and fees are paid, plus a stipend for living expenses and travel.  This is an extremely competitive scholarship.  Those interested should contact Dr. Richard Hallin, former Dean of Admissions at Eckerd, who was a Rhodes Scholarship winner.    <>     Deadline: The First Wednesday of October    <>


         Graduate Schools


Most applications are due in December or January.  They will ask for an essay from you, letters of recommendation, and GRE scores.  All departments will require General GRE scores.  Remember that admission to a graduate school is a completely different process than admission to an undergraduate school.  There are far fewer slots in graduate school and the professors have a far greater stake in admitting excellent students.  As a result, the more personal interaction you can have with a graduate department, the better.  I have a few bits of advice:

•  Do your homework.  Find out as much as you can about the schools of interest to you.  This is a major decision and should not be taken lightly.

•  Email graduate faculty to ask them about their research programs.  Their willingness to respond to you will be a good indicator of their interest in you.

•  Graduate programs should waive tuition and provide you with a modest stipend for study in Marine Science, Geology, and Geophysics.  If they do not, look elsewhere or work for a year before going to graduate school.

•  After you are accepted to a graduate program, the school should offer to pay for you to visit their school during the spring semester.  Always visit a school before accepting their offer.

•  Choose a particular field of study (e.g., earthquake seismology, hydrothermal vent geochemistry, etc.).  It is best to have a particular field in mind at first, although you may change your mind later.

•  Decide between Ph.D. and Masters degree programs.  Masters programs will last 2 to 3 years and train you for a particular job.  Ph.D. programs will last 5 to 7 years and train you to do independent research.  You do not necessarily have to complete a Masters degree before starting on a PhD; it depends on the program.

For more answers to your questions, talk to me and to other faculty at Eckerd.  We have all gone through graduate school and are happy to share advice.  To read more about the graduate experience, I highly recommend the following book:

Getting What You Came For:  The Smart Student’s Guide to Earning a Master’s or Ph.D.  by Robert L. Peters. 

The author is a marine biologist and wrote this to give advice to prospective graduate students.  He describes everything from looking for graduate programs to completing your thesis.


There are many on-line guides to graduate programs.  Among them is Peterson’s College Search at

Employment Opportunities

You might be interested in the careers associated with a Geo major.  The following website lists topics, provides general advice, and contains links to some employers:



Here are a few pieces of information if you are in the market for a full time job:


The consulting firm PBS&J has a local office and many of our graduates have found jobs there.  They often have summer internships as well.  Visit their job website for a list of current openings around the country:  <>


Geodynamics is a geologic and oceanographic research firm specializing in high-resolution seafloor mapping and coastal topographic surveying based in Beaufort, North Carolina. They have had job openings in the recent past (summer 2008) and expressed interest in our graduates.  Visit their website to find contact information:  <>


I highly recommend accessing the following article to find on-line resources for finding jobs in the geosciences:  Exploring Geology on the World-Wide Web – Employment Resources by Brian John Exton, Journal of Geoscience Education, v. 47, 1999, pp. 386-386 which is available at <>.  Note that while some websites might be out of date, you may find the main organizations though search engines such as Google.


An American Geological Institute website gives information on all aspects of employment in the geosciences.  Instead of listing job opportunities, the website provides advice on starting and developing a career in the geosciences.   <>


Federal government jobs are listed on the following searchable website, which includes a special section for “Students and Recent Graduates:”  <>


This website lists jobs in geology and geophysics:  <>


There are many websites describing various careers in marine science.  The following locations do not advertise jobs, but they do provide information on many careers, including salaries and educational requirements.


General information on various marine careers:  <>


Links to resources on marine science careers:  <>


Biographies of NOAA oceanographers and marine scientists: <>